Friday, January 29, 2010

Get your Groupon with Bikram

For all our NY followers, here is a great deal from Groupon for Bikram yoga classes in NYC. $59 for one month of yoga (max. of 2 classes per day) available at four locations. Note* This is limited to new customers only. Instead of sitting at my desk all day I'd rather be stretching into my downward dog pose and losing some lbs!

Monday, January 25, 2010

What's with the GONG?

Another fabulous post from our guest blogger - If you work for a sales driven organization as I do, you probably have a GONG, a bell, a light, a siren or a drum that goes off every time some moron in your company closes a deal. While I truly appreciate the support and the recognition, this idea reigns very familiar to the “gold star chart” in kindergarten. I mean really people; have we made that little progression in the past 25 years?

I don’t see other people getting a GONG at their job. What would happen if everytime you went to McDy’s for a burger and the guy said “would you like fries with that”...the manager hit the GONG. You would probably start to wonder. Turst me, the deal is not that much more enhanced with the sound of the GONG. It is both distracting and annoying and to be honest, makes me think “RECESS”, so I start to put my coat on when I realize that I have been fooled yet again.

Do they even consider that I could be on my headset with a client at that very moment (it could be one of those precious 15 minutes I am actually speaking with clients). Just as the next guy is closing his sale with a great big GONG, I am getting F’ed because my client thinks the fire alarm is going off.

I say do away with the GONG, the bell, the light, the siren and whatever other crap people use to celebrate…

lets get in, get it done and get GONG.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Let US Think Outside the Box

I like to think that we are fairly smart girls with enough experience to manage our daily tasks independent of our bosses. Our bosses probably think the same way but despite our obvious capabilities, their obsession with being involved in every aspect of the business has left us being micro-managed (poorly may I add). We know this company is their baby but why hire us if you’re not going to let us do our job?

Today I had to write a press release about a product and since I am Director of PR and Marketing, was about to send it off to journalists when one of my bosses found the sheet in the printer and decided to mark it all up in red and tell me to change a couple things (its like he makes the changes just to prove he is in charge, majority of the time they hurt not help). I am a "great" employee, so I do it. Once I changed them he wanted me to review it with him once more. How can I be efficient if my work is being quadruple checked like a 4th grade student being monitored for bad grades? Ohhh and my favorite part is that this doesn’t only happen to me….my boss always grabs papers off the printer, people’s desk, the conference room and marks them up with comments. He wants to standardize all documents but he is the one changing everything on a daily basis that it’s hard to keep up. I have watched him change the font size of the title for an INTERNAL document 5x in one day. GET A GRIP, news flash - it doesn't matter. It’s especially comical since he is grabbing old versions (I’m talking from July) of these documents and then asking us why they haven’t been updated. That’s when I bite my tongue and say “that’s an old version" but what I really want to say is GET A CLUE BUDDY!

It’s not 5 yet, get back to work!