Monday, January 25, 2010

What's with the GONG?

Another fabulous post from our guest blogger - If you work for a sales driven organization as I do, you probably have a GONG, a bell, a light, a siren or a drum that goes off every time some moron in your company closes a deal. While I truly appreciate the support and the recognition, this idea reigns very familiar to the “gold star chart” in kindergarten. I mean really people; have we made that little progression in the past 25 years?

I don’t see other people getting a GONG at their job. What would happen if everytime you went to McDy’s for a burger and the guy said “would you like fries with that”...the manager hit the GONG. You would probably start to wonder. Turst me, the deal is not that much more enhanced with the sound of the GONG. It is both distracting and annoying and to be honest, makes me think “RECESS”, so I start to put my coat on when I realize that I have been fooled yet again.

Do they even consider that I could be on my headset with a client at that very moment (it could be one of those precious 15 minutes I am actually speaking with clients). Just as the next guy is closing his sale with a great big GONG, I am getting F’ed because my client thinks the fire alarm is going off.

I say do away with the GONG, the bell, the light, the siren and whatever other crap people use to celebrate…

lets get in, get it done and get GONG.

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