Wednesday, November 4, 2009

All in a Day's "Work"

2:30-4:30pm, the lull, you know what I’m talking about. That time in the day when you think “is this really how I spend every day?” 2 and a half more hours you have got to be kidding me? Well just about every day at this time, my co-worker and real life best friend (I say real life because we all know the difference from “work” friends and friend friends) and I whole heartedly plan our way out. If I don’t say so myself we have had some pretty great ideas (misc. baby products, clothing lines, a ton of websites) to make it big and strike it rich. Yet something, I can’t say what, keeps us at our 9-5. Then it hit us, we had been thinking too big, trying to reinvent the wheel if you will. Yesterday at 3:36 (yes I know it was exactly 3:36 because obviously we were talking on aim) it came to us like magic. What do we spend 8 hours a day doing? I will tell you one thing, it’s most certainly NOT work…well definitely not enough work. Now I am going to say something just to get it out of the way , we both happen to be great at our jobs and our “not working” rarely interferes with our office obligations. Now I can’t say the same for the other way around!

We knew we had found our release. We know all around the world at this very moment people are suffering in cubicles, staring at their computers. So we immediately designed a blog and got right to writing our fist post. Of course midway through my 4th sentence, right when my juices were flowing, I heard the dreadful sound of my boss’ voice calling out my name. And I honestly thought to myself “Is he serious right now? How dare he disrupt me?” At this point it was 4:53pm, I finished his menial task in five minutes and for the first time in months I actually considered willingly staying past 5:00… clearly just to finish this very post. So this is it, a blog totally dedicated to getting through your long boring work day while making the most of your time. I would say I am pretty much an expert at this point, as I have planned vacations, completed my holiday shopping, got around firewalls…and the list goes on all in a day’s “work”.

It’s not 5 yet, get back to work!

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