Monday, November 16, 2009


We have decided to introduce a guest Blogger, a close personal friend who shares our same basic beliefs about work. She is a frequent aim conversation during the day for me and has most of the same work woes as the rest of us… I think you will enjoy her biting humor. She will be divulging her knowledge, tips and stories once a month. Enjoy!

The real trick to not doing work at work is to be a deceiver. If no one knows, no one can bother you or fire you (which don’t get me wrong… looks like a good option 98 percent of the time). After a few years of working, you start to understand that as long as you do more than the bare minimum, people will think you are exceeding.

For example, I always hit my weekly numbers…takes me a good 45-60minutess to do a full days worth of work…and trust me, I “work” from 730am-7pm to appease the micro-managing trolls that are considered management. So the trick is to simply do everything right when you get in. Get it done and over with, then the rest of the day you can screw around, go on AOL, check Facebook from your phone, go to the bathroom and chat with a couple friends. It is certainly possible to have a full relationship breakdown, rent an apartment, order a new wardrobe and plan a birthday party while still managing to succeed at your job.

I have one vital piece of advice that has saved me from meetings, tasks and other menial office work…. if you put your headset on during personal calls, people think you are actually working. I wear my headset 6-7 hours per day, yet I speak with clients for a total of 15 minutes; on a VERY busy day. As you can imagine…I am, of course, wearing my headset now.

More tricks and tips to being a deceiver to come, but for now…I have to tend to a very important AIM conversation.

It’s not 5 yet, get back to work!

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